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means....The Bully Tribe
About Me

Tribus Saevus is Latin for Bully Tribe! Our specialty is the Bully Breeds. Loveable, Nurturing and Impressive.


Idle paws and jaws are the devils play things.

Through Education, Training and Positive Activity;


We help change ANY Bully into a Tribe Member!


25% of every purchase goes to us helping a bully in need by allowing us to put them into our care, buy the necessary supplies to take care of them for up to a year. We will help any bully in need that is at a shelter or rescue who has special needs. Special needs can be physical disabilities (blind, deaf, amputee, etc) or behavioral issues (dog reactive, pulling on a leash, animal reactive, people reactive, anxiety, etc.)


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Set up a time to meet the with a Tribe Elder! Ask any questions or concerns you have and we will do our Best to answer them for you! The Goal is Simple! We understand...
Meet and Greet
30 min


The tribe members

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